Quiz: Am I a Sensitive?

Rate your level of agreement to each statement. Go with your first instinct on the best response.

Scale - 5 = Almost Always; 4 = Often; 3 = Sometimes; 2 = Rarely; 1 = Almost Never

  1. The way I feel is impacted by other people’s moods.

  2. I feel weird in certain spaces (indoors or outdoors) without knowing exactly why.

  3. When another person or an animal is hurting, I feel that hurt too. And I want to help them.

  4. I avoid reading stories or watching movies that are full of violence, trauma or despair.

  5. I can feel energetically drained or yucky without anything going on in my life that explains it.

  6. Being around colors that don’t go together, or hearing musical notes that don’t seem in harmony makes me feel off or unsettled.

  7. I just know what someone else is feeling, or what their intentions are, without them telling me.

  8. Even pre-pandemic, spaces or gatherings crowded with many people are too much for me.

  9. I find myself knowing things without any explanation as to how I know them.

  10. When I’m in nature, I feel significantly better and I can feel sensations in my body - especially if I’m touching the ground, the sand, the water, a tree.

Total your responses to each of the questions.

If your total score is between:

  • 50-43: You are probably a full-on Empath who feels things very, very deeply. If you don’t practice good energy hygiene (see Attracting Good Stuff), you will take on the energy of others, even complete strangers. You can even take on the energy of places that others have been. Empaths can take responsibility for fixing others sometimes to such an extent that their own well-being suffers. Empaths are typically highly intuitive, knowing things without any reason. They can feel like they don’t fit with other family members or even the general population. However, some family members inherit their empathic abilities from a biological parent or grandparent. It’s wonderful if this happens and that family member supported you in understanding and working with your empathic gifts! Regardless, seeking out other empaths, educating yourself on empath characteristics, gifts, and resources are very important for you to step into your full brilliance! Using the resources for sensitives and empaths I’ve included here is a great start, and I encourage you to go even deeper!

  • 42-33: You are likely a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) who feels things deeply. You are very intuitive, and often can read someone you just met. You know who has good intentions and who does not. You sometimes are able to separate from others’ energy, and don’t always take it on as your own. For example, you may enjoy crowded gatherings and not feel the energy of all the people all the time. As an HSP, it’s important to practice good energy hygiene (see Attracting Good Stuff) to continue to keep your own energy replenished and make sure your energy represents what belongs to you and not others. Educate yourself about HSPs, their characteristics and seek out resources. Find your tribe of other HSPs to tap as a support system! And use the resources for sensitives and empaths I’ve included here as a great start!

  • 32-27: Chances are, you’re a Sensitive who feels things deeply. You take on the energy of others, however perhaps not as frequently as the HSP or the Empath. I encourage you to check out the resources for sensitives and empaths I’ve included here as a great start. Connect with other sensitives as a support system. I believe feeling understood is a basic human need.

  • 26 & below: You may not be a Sensitive, but the resources for sensitives and empaths are helpful for anyone. And they can help you better understand and support your loved ones who are sensitives 💛.

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